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| local api -- control the street object table, obtained through the sf_start event callback, and stored in module local variables. For details, please refer to (api interface.txt) local selfIndex -- your own index on the desktop, obtained through the sf_start game event callback parameter local members -- an array of game players, obtained through the sf_start game event callback parameter -- Each player has uid, name, position, vip, gold, gender
--- Start game event callback -- @function sf_start -- @tab members array of all players -- @int index Your own index on the desktop. 0 is for spectators. Users who are spectators cannot operate the game. -- @tab nativeapi controls the street object table -- @boolean again Whether to rejoin the game after disconnection, true means rejoin the game after disconnection, without playing sound effects such as starting the game. local function sf_start(membersArray,index,nativeapi,again) -- Usually save the required variables to the module members = membersArray -- saves the desktop player array selfIndex = index -- save your own index api = nativeapi -- save API object table end
--- Game end event callback, indicating that the game is over -- @function sf_over local function sf_over()
--- Network data response event callback -- @function sf_message -- @tab data Data table issued by the server -- @int index Which player sent the information, 0 server sent it local function sf_message(data,index)
--- Keyboard press event callback -- @function sf_keydown -- @int keycode keyboard response code, please refer to Constants.txt -- @boolean repeated Whether it is a repeated key. Generally, when the next key is pressed, it is a new key. If you don't let go, it will always respond to keydown. At this time, repeated is true, indicating that it is a repeated key. local function sf_keydown(keycode,repeated)
--- Keyboard lift callback -- @function sf_keyup -- @int keycode keyboard response code, please refer to Constants.txt local sf_keyup = function(keycode)
--- Touch response event callback, can only be used on Android platform, ios platform and web platform -- @function sf_touch -- @int touchtype gesture type, please refer to Constants -- @int x x coordinate -- @int y y coordinate, the coordinate returns the design logical size, please refer to the logical coordinates dwidth and dheight in the drawing interface -- @int fingers The number of fingers for this gesture is usually 1 to 3 fingers. Hardware support is required for multiple fingers. Some mobile phone touch screens support 10 fingers, usually up to four fingers. -- @int gid The mode number of this touch, 100-digit full-screen touch number, 200-digit upper half screen number in split-screen touch, 300-digit lower half screen touch number in split-screen mode local function sf_touch(touchtype, x, y,fingers,gid)
--- Called every frame, used for constant game updates, 60 frames per second -- @function update -- @number ds The time difference between two update calls, in seconds, accurate to 3 decimal places local function sf_update(ds)
--- Game controller responsiveness, including gamepads -- @function sf_gamecontroller -- @tab msg Data response structure table -- @int msg.which indicates which controller or handle sent the message, which is equivalent to the handle ID, starting from 0. Generally, the computer supports 8 handles. -- @int msg.timestamp The timestamp when the message was sent -- @int msg.type Controller response code, for details, please refer to the always-on table on api.Constants. There are currently three messages, axis change messages, button press messages, and button lift messages. -- @int msg.button When msg.type is when the button is pressed or raised, it indicates the number of the button. For details, please refer to: The always-on table on api.Constants -- @int msg.axis When the current type is an axis message, it indicates which axis sends the change message. For example, if the left joystick x changes horizontally, the axis is 0, and if the right joystick changes up and down, the axis is 3. -- @int msg.value represents the current status of the axis change, ranging from -32768 to 32767. When the joystick is at the dot, it is 0. Otherwise, the symbol is the same as the axis direction where it is located. local function sf_gamecontroller(msg)
--- Mouse response event -- @function sf_mouse -- @tab msg Data response structure table -- @int msg.type Mouse event type, for details, refer to the always-on table client -- @int msg.button mouse case type, for details, please refer to the always-on table client -- @int msg.x msg.y mouse logical coordinates local function sf_mouse(msg)
--Export interface methods return { start=sf_start, over=sf_over, message=sf_message, keydown=sf_keydown, keyup=sf_keyup, -- optional touch=sf_touch, update=sf_update, gamecontroller=sf_gamecontroller, mouse=sf_mouse, }